» Assistive Devices & Durable Medical Equipment

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Assistive Devices & Durable Medical Equipment

You will be using a rolling walker after surgery. If you own one, please bring it with you to the Surgicenter. If not, the surgicenter will provide one and bill the cost to your insurance. If your insurance does not cover durable medical equipment, you will be responsible for the cost of the walker. 

If you would prefer to purchase one on your own, we reccommend the one listed below.

If you choose to bring your own, we will adjust it on site to fit you properly. The walker should adjust so when you are grasping the handles, there is a slight bend in your elbows.
Walkers that are too high or too low are not safe. 

If you have a very low toilet seat you may be interested in a riser or handles to assist you when you transfer sit to stand and stand to sit.  These items are very helpful and greatly improve safety in the bathroom. 


You can purchase these items and others that we reccommend (but are not mandatory!) below.   



      Rolling Walker           Single Point Cane               Reacher                           Sock Aid


          Leg Lifter                 Elevated Toilet           Bedside Commode            Long Handled

                                        Seat with Handles                                                     Shoe Horn


Front Walker Wheels           Shower Chair                Bathtub Tape                    Crutches 

                                                                                                                        (4' 5" to 5' 2")


          Crutches                    Therabands -                 Therabands -

      (5' 3" to 6' 1")              Beginner Set                 Resistance Loops

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