Exercise for Cancer Survivors
What is A Survivor?.
The National Cancer Institute defines an individual as a survivor from the date of their diagnosis until the end of their lives. We all know a survivor. They make up 5% of the population in the U.S. In fact, not only are more people surviving cancer today compared to 30 years ago, but survivors are living longer than ever before. There are many types of cancer survivors. Some have just been diagnosed and are currently undergoing treatment. Many have been in remission for ma...
Posted on 2020-06-30
It's Just a Pain - Dealing with Low Back Pain
It's Just a Pain!.
How Physical Therapy helps you deal with lower back pain..
Lower back pain is a common experience. We've all had it for one reason or another. As we age, it seems to be a more frequent and at times severe occurrence, especially for those of us between the ages of 30-50. No matter the reason, lower back pain can make everyday movement seem insurmountable.
So how do you deal with it?
Sudden Lower Back Pain.
If it's a recent flair up, and you can still manage your daily ac...
Posted on 2020-06-22
Brain Health Awareness Month
The Surprising Benefits of Physical Therapy for Alzheimer’s Prevention.
Did you know that Alzheimer's disease is one of the top ten leading causes of death in the U.S.?
June happens to be Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. So let’s talk about it.
While the greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer’s Disease is increasing age, Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging. Though a small percentage of the population with this disease develop symptoms ...
Posted on 2020-06-16
7 Best Ways to Care for Yourself Mentally & Physically
7 Best Ways to Care for Yourself Mentally & Physically.
Taking care of ourselves is always important. But in a time like ours, where Covid-19 is forcing a complete upheaval to our normal routines, it’s a necessity. .
Here are some key areas where we can practice good self-care whether we’re stuck at home, or back to a new normal in our daily lives.
1. Move More: Exercise is essential for physical health. It can help you lose weight, decrease fatigue, and reduce yo...
Posted on 2020-06-09
Physical Therapy - Any Way You Want It
Any Way You Want It.
Make Progress with Physical Therapy In Whatever Circumstance/Situation We Find Ourselves .
Stay Active to Be Healthy
We have all been struggling with isolation, finances, and uncertainty as we shift our way of living. But one thing remains constant: our ability to remain healthy is strongly linked to our ability to be and stay active.
At Active Life & Sports Physical Therapy, your health and well-being is our top priority.
We want you to li...
Posted on 2020-06-03